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State Testing Motivation

Middle School

"Teamwork Makes the Dream Work" and its going to take every students best EFFORT to "Bust" the State Test. In his high energy pep rally, Corey brings the entire school together to get fired come test taking time. "We Need Everybody's Best Effort" and we need everybody need to be "All In" in order to reach our goals. Corey emphasizes to your students to be "all in" and to give the test everything that you have. Corey also shares his test taking tips and his personal secrets on how he prepared himself to become one of the best shooters in the country.

“We need everybody need to be ‘All in’ for us to be our best.”

If you are looking to get your students pumped before your statewide test or if you are looking to celebrate the end of testing week, then Corey’s statewide testing motivation school assembly is the perfect fit for your school.


“I wanted to thank you again for traveling to our school and putting on a great assembly!  Both our staff and students really enjoyed it.  Teachers really liked your message and how you interacted with the students.”


Nicole Mathews / Troy Intermediate School - Troy, PA

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What your students will learn…

Apply Your Knowledge: You have worked hard all year long and now is the time to show what you know. Apply what you have worked so hard for.

Small Choices, Big Impact: It’s the simple choices that we make that allows us to be the most successful. Create good habits that will put you in the right frame of mind to perform your best.

Be “Your” Best: We need everybody’s best effort for us to reach our state testing goals. Every student makes and impact and lets “bust this test together”.

School is FUN!: School is a fun safe place for you to be the best version of yourself. Be creative and allow others to be the best version of themselves.


“We polled the kids on all the activities they they went through. And out of everything the kids did today, CLEARLY, the kids enjoyed your assembly the most.”


Bryon Piona / Teacher / McGee Middle School - Berlin, CT

This assembly is great for…

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The State Testing Motivation program is perfect for the weeks prior to testing week and the weeks afterwards to celebrate a job well done. This rally is absolute must to get your students to “Bust That Test”.

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Why Schools Invest in Corey’s Programs

Fun and Engaging: Schools love how fun and engaging Corey’s programs are for both the students and the teachers. Everybody leaves happy and refreshed.

Growing Message: Corey message is constantly evolving with the developments of character education. Plus, Corey will customize his message to fit exactly what your school is looking for.

Audience Management: Schools love how engaged Corey gets the students. He truly has the audience with him from the beginning.

Low Maintenance: Corey’s program are 45-50 minutes with easy set-up (10 min.) It makes it easier for you plus your gym or performance space won’t be tied up all day with equipment.